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Sunday, 16 June 2013

New Drawing - "Backwards 3"

I decided to begin a new still life, to have a bit of a change from the old one. I am pretty close to finishing the other one, with the feathers and rock, so will take turns every few weekends on that one too. Fresh eyes are always good.

I have a portrait of John on the go too so will work on that when I get tired of inatimate objects, which are actually far more challenging for me than portraits.

This particular set of, sort of ended up being a bit more complex than the 3 rocks together I had imagined I'd set up. I set this up then I began to draw and I realized this is Not going to be an easy drawing lol!

The metal plate with the 3 is a number from an old telephone pole I assume, which I found on the shore one day. The other items are rocks and a tiny delicate bone, all found on the shore on walks.

The little metal plate with the 3, I liked the texture and look of the back better than the front, hence the title of the drawing.

I grabbed a cell phone pic of this set up as it is more complex therefore may be harder to set up again, although I do have most placements of objects done in the initial drawing which has about 1 1/2 hrs work in it so far. Even where the lamp sits will cause shadows to be different enough to throw things off, there is so much subtle areas in this that I like so want to set it up as accurately as possible every time.

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