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Saturday, 4 April 2015

Hawks 'n Crows

Having not done a really long walk all winter, my husband and I decided that we'd do a morning one through Birkdale Ravine, and beyond, east past McCowan, and back then up Brimley. My legs were shaking when we got back lol!

A sunny day, slightly chilly, a bit of wind, but bright blue sky with Simpson's clouds. Very pretty. Definitely, a sense of Spring, especially with the already abundant amount of bird activity evident.

Treat of the day was the multiple hawk sightings! We saw cooper's hawk and red tailed hawks, 4 different times. Not to mention the ever present and raucous crows in hot pursuit of the poor hawks. Definitely, no love lost between those 2 flying creatures. They do not get along lol!

Lots of nut hatches, a huge array of woodpeckers, ducks, tons of gold finches, the males sporting the summer plumage already, a brown creeper, lots of dark eyed juncos, 2 hybrid American black duck mallard mixes, lots of red cardinals, flickers, and the red winged black birds are back :-)

There was one moment when things were a little scary. A screaming noise was coming from one of the grated viaducts that opens at the ravine's edge. It was pretty horrible. It stopped after about 5 minutes and a huge silver raccoon came to the end of the cement tunnel, peering at us through the grating. I had had a feeling it was raccoons. Or I guess I had hoped that was all it was.

Looking forward to a later in the spring walk through there as I expect there will be lots of migrant birds soon!

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