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Friday, 27 January 2012

My Favourite Shot from Summer-Maybe of All Time!

I decided, I wanted to get a photo of butterflies again, like I did in Ajax years back. I knew from my daughter's old soccer practices, where butterflies hung out lol! There were purple flowering bushes they liked. This was at the end of Lake Driveway.

John and I got in the car a wonderful September Sunday late afternoon and looked in that area I had recalled. Not a lot of butterflies but a couple. we walked along the lake front path a bit and a man let us know "there are tons of butterflies in the meadows just over there". I really wanted a butterfly in flight shot, if I could manage one. We walked a bit and we saw more and more Monarchs as we reached what we soon spotted, The Meadows in Ajax. Wow! 20 years in that town and I'd never seen this Meadows.

I ended up with the shot that I have below, even before we entered the Meadows section. I just kept aiming and shooting. Not till we got home and looked at a slideshow of my photos, did I see I had gotten this! It actually looked fake! lol! However, the horizon was at an angle so my boyfriend John, taught me how to crop that piece and reposition it in PS, then blend where we repasted the top part. Voila! A straight horizon!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely stunning photo! Wonderful colours, and fantastic composition.


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