Last weekend, despite the deep snow conditions, we decided a long exercise filled walk would be great. Having chose the marsh area near the GM plant in Oshawa, that also can lead into the Darlington Provincial Park, we drove there and found the parking lot pretty precarious. Against my better judgement, I pulled pretty far into the lot and yes, got stuck lol! Other cars were there and one guy was by his car and ended up moving for me so I could pull forward and around, following the well worn tracks that lead to where he was parked. I got out and back onto the main road that leads in to the lot, only to have to stop behind a snow shoe guy walking in the center of the road lol! Would I move aside after seeing that a car was stuck and trying to keep from getting stuck again? Yes lol! Needless to say, I stopped my car, hoping I'd not get stuck again, until he finally was off the road leading out. I chose to drive back a bit and go to Second Marsh instead. In a way, it was good all that happened because the Second Marsh walk ended up being awesome!
We cut through the wooded path through the forest that comes up pretty early in Second Marsh, instead of the usual path that leads straight to the lake. This path is interesting and it leads pretty much to the area where we had initially intended to go, only it is an hour or so walk to get there. It was fun, tromping through deep snow that luckily had some people make a bit easier by already having gone that way before us. I never did get my hiking boots I ordered so don't have the greatest boots to be doing these walks with.
We ran into a family snow shoeing, saw lots of cool things, enjoyed the sun which was out, and ended up with a 3 1/2 hr walk. The ice on the shore of Lake Ontario offered up some pretty cool and creative designs right from the hands of Miss Nature. Little beautiful crystal like formations, strewn here and there, with glorious light travelling through them. One particular piece had a skull like appearance.
There were lots of gorgeous sights to see, through the forest part, along the shoreline, then back through the regular path that goes right through Second Marsh and back to our car. But the most amazing gem of a find, on the last legs of our hike, was the perfect little heart shape on a single piece of marsh grass. Just in time for Valentine's day which was 4 days away :-)
We cut through the wooded path through the forest that comes up pretty early in Second Marsh, instead of the usual path that leads straight to the lake. This path is interesting and it leads pretty much to the area where we had initially intended to go, only it is an hour or so walk to get there. It was fun, tromping through deep snow that luckily had some people make a bit easier by already having gone that way before us. I never did get my hiking boots I ordered so don't have the greatest boots to be doing these walks with.
We ran into a family snow shoeing, saw lots of cool things, enjoyed the sun which was out, and ended up with a 3 1/2 hr walk. The ice on the shore of Lake Ontario offered up some pretty cool and creative designs right from the hands of Miss Nature. Little beautiful crystal like formations, strewn here and there, with glorious light travelling through them. One particular piece had a skull like appearance.
There were lots of gorgeous sights to see, through the forest part, along the shoreline, then back through the regular path that goes right through Second Marsh and back to our car. But the most amazing gem of a find, on the last legs of our hike, was the perfect little heart shape on a single piece of marsh grass. Just in time for Valentine's day which was 4 days away :-)