Of course, I had my camera on jpg setting instead of RAW, from the last usage for something specific, and therefore was not really able to do much to clean up this shot. However, having it is better than nothing. When I got home that night, after taking some shots at the local marina day fireworks show on the August 1st holiday weekend in Whitby, I was shocked to see what I had captured all in one shot.
It was Harbour Day at the Whitby marina on the Saturday of the August long weekend. We didn't feel up to venturing down to the marina in the heat and crowds during the day like we had sort of tossed around the weeks preceding harbour day, but we decided last minute to walk down to the beginning of the harbour and see the fireworks. I half assed planned to try taking some shots, by hand though, with my camera. Last time I shot fireworks was probably 14 or so years back and I used a tripod, was using a Nikon FE at the time, set the dial at B and used a remote shutter cord for the shutter control. Not into that this time so whatever I chance shot for fun was good enough.
A storm started to whip up before the fireworks started. There was distant lightening and thunder and the winds were getting stronger, whipping across the water over us. The geese were panicking and flying by in little groups. There was fork and curtain lightening. They did start the fireworks and I grabbed some shots, hoping to get lightening shots too. I did a lot of shots one after another. When we got home and viewed the photos on the computer, my jaw dropped to see the one photo which was pretty amazing timing. Forked lightening, fireworks and geese flying across the lit up sky lol! Too bad it was shot in jpg as not much could be done to correct the quality much but it is still cool none the less and one of my most fun and memorable lucky captures.
It was Harbour Day at the Whitby marina on the Saturday of the August long weekend. We didn't feel up to venturing down to the marina in the heat and crowds during the day like we had sort of tossed around the weeks preceding harbour day, but we decided last minute to walk down to the beginning of the harbour and see the fireworks. I half assed planned to try taking some shots, by hand though, with my camera. Last time I shot fireworks was probably 14 or so years back and I used a tripod, was using a Nikon FE at the time, set the dial at B and used a remote shutter cord for the shutter control. Not into that this time so whatever I chance shot for fun was good enough.
A storm started to whip up before the fireworks started. There was distant lightening and thunder and the winds were getting stronger, whipping across the water over us. The geese were panicking and flying by in little groups. There was fork and curtain lightening. They did start the fireworks and I grabbed some shots, hoping to get lightening shots too. I did a lot of shots one after another. When we got home and viewed the photos on the computer, my jaw dropped to see the one photo which was pretty amazing timing. Forked lightening, fireworks and geese flying across the lit up sky lol! Too bad it was shot in jpg as not much could be done to correct the quality much but it is still cool none the less and one of my most fun and memorable lucky captures.