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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Back to Painting

After a long hiatus, for many reasons, my first ever, I venture back in to the land of painting. Slow going and a bit rusty but I am really happy to be back at it. I am wetting my feet with an acrylic on canvas of a friend's boyfriend. He is a lovely person and makes for an interesting subject, having been in the Irish army, played semi pro soccer, and also has a lot of interesting personal tattoos. 

Exciting Bird Spotting Lately!

Both myself and my boyfriend are fairly new to bird spotting, having been introduced to it sort of by accident last summer. Living down by Whitby Harbour was the draw, and walks along the water. Then, the Smew frenzy in December happened, and we began discovering this whole world of avid and serious birders down here, and many from pretty far locations throughout Ontario, that come here.

Lately, we have been lucky to have seen birds we have never seen, most I guess are common spottings to birders, but to us, exciting and new.

I do not own a zoom that will fit on my DSLR, as of yet. The best I can get is with my manual Nikon Nikkor 105mm portrait lens that i used on my old FE.